School Presentations
Carol and Peyton are offering a limited number of free virtual school presentations for their book tour. Presentations focus on the story behind the story–Peyton Goddard's journey to inclusion–as well as appreciating differences in all. Carol, who has taught writing for more than two decades, can also lead students in activities to help them brainstorm ideas and tell their own story.
To request an author visit, email me at carol_cujec@yahoo.com
Themes and Discussion Questions
REAL is an empathy-building story about valuing all people, regardless of differences.
Download a PDF of the REAL Discussion Guide
Download a PDF of Inclusion Tips for Teachers and Kids
Classroom and book-club discussions can address topics such as–
Diverse friendships
Making assumptions about people based on appearances
Social justice and civil rights
The value of empathy over pity
Appreciating neurodiversity
Autism awareness
Watch the video below to hear author Carol Cujec introduce REAL and its important themes
Additional Resources on Inclusion
Kids Included Together –Helping organizations meaningfully include kids with disabilities
SWIFT Schools – Passionate about transforming U.S. public education so that all students are welcomed and included in their neighborhood schools and age appropriate general education classrooms with support
CHIME Institute –A national leader in the development and implementation of an unique model of inclusive education